
Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Next Chapter Begins...

Friday marked the day I said my goodbyes to my grandmother's house.  It really makes me feel old to say that I have known that place for 39 years.  I have spend a lot of time there.  Grown there, dreamed there, cried there, fought there, screamed there, but most importantly, learned to love there.  Grandma may have been many things to many different people (mostly good, mind you) but to me she was one of the purest forms of grace and perseverance through the storm.  She was a fighter and never ever gave up hope.  That home was always filled with warmth and love.  I will truly miss it.

This weekend is the first time in nearly a year that I do not have to leave my wife on Sunday to travel back for school.  What a relief that I can stay here and sleep in my own bed with my wife right beside me (and the dog in the middle as usual).  It feels good to be home to stay.

Getting settled and all of my stuff unpacked will be the next big chore.  It is amazing how much stuff I had up north.  I would've never thought that I had accumulated that much in such a short period of time.

As this next Chapter begins and the blank page lays there before me I can't help but sit and stare at it's pristine emptiness.  Knowing that as soon as I make one indelible mark the new journey has begun.  One Degree down and at the very least, one more on the way.  I will sincerely miss you Pitt Bradford.  I will miss all of the memories we have created together.  I will miss all of the friends and connections made.  It will be hard not to see all of you every day.  In some ways it feels like my safety net has been taken away and I must walk this tight rope all alone.  I just have to make the first step and the journey begins.

The relationships we build must always be cherished.  Never burn bridges they always say.  I now, fully know the truest meaning of that phrase.  The most important thing I have learned while at Pitt Bradford is not to place so much stock in what pen and paper say about you.  But, you should define your worth in the the relationships you have built along the way.  The friendships and alliances you have made will define you more than any grade or title they can give you.  The respect you have earned and the gifts you have given of yourself to aid others in their success will speak louder than any mark on a page.

To all of my professors, colleagues and friends at Pitt Bradford I wish all of you the best in your own personal journey.  I do hope, however, that you will all continue to be part or mine for the foreseeable future.  Because, I am not nearly ready to bid any of you adieu.

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